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NOM's 100k challenge: That 'generous donor' need only be moderately charitable

by Jeremy Hooper

Today is September 1st, so that means the National Organization For Marriage's much touted "$100K Challenge" is over and done. So how'd the anti-equality group do? Let's look at the final tallies.

First the numbers as they stood on day one, 7/24:

And now, as of 6:35AM (ET) here on 9/1:

Screen Shot 2011-09-01 At 6.31.20 Am-1
Screen Shot 2011-09-01 At 6.31.04 Am-1

That means (drum roll): 931 Facebook likes and 298 new Twitter followers. At NOM's announced rate of one buck for one like/follow, that's a total of $1229 dollars for the marriage discrimination's costly coffers. Which is crazy short of the $100,000 goal, despite multiple please via email, Youtube, NOM blog, etc. Deliciously short, in fact.

Now, I should say, they also accepted submissions via SMS messaging, so there could be a small wad of cash there. But $98,771 more? I'm thinking not. I'm thinking only a couple hundred of rights-grabbing texters (for the reasons mentioned here), if being generous.

So how do we transpose this now-apparent inability to organize onto marriage amendment ballot campaigns? We have more than 100K reasons to figure it out. And our challenge doesn't require an anonymous donor, only committed supporters of peace.

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