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NOM's new Chair: Homosexuality is modern day 'barbarism'
John Eastman, 6/26/2000:
"In 1856, the Republican Party — the party of Abraham Lincoln — included in its platform a stinging criticism of slavery and polygamy, referring to the two institutions as the "twin relics of barbarism." Slavery was barbaric because it deprived some human beings of their liberty, one of the unalienable rights bestowed on all men, all human beings, by our "Creator," to use the words of the Declaration of Independence. Polygamy was barbaric because, as the Supreme Court later recognized, it undermined the concept of marriage, an institution that is necessary for a free society and therefore essential to the consensual government necessary to vindicate the unalienable rights described in the Declaration.
Before the 19th Century closed, America put an end to both relics of barbarism. Yet in their stead two new indicia of barbarism arose during the 20th Century: abortion and homosexuality. The parallel between the new barbarism and the old is uncanny. Abortion is barbaric because it deprives some human beings of a right even more precious than liberty, the right to life itself — the first of the unalienable rights recited in the Declaration of Independence. And homosexuality, like polygamy, has for centuries been thought to undermine the institution of marriage and the civil society that rests on it.
Both of these issues are currently pending before the United States Supreme Court and will be decided this week, perhaps as early as today. In Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, the Supreme Court will decide whether the Boy Scouts, a private organization, can be compelled to reinstate as an adult scoutmaster a man who is serving as a leader of the Rutgers Gay and Lesbian Association and who therefore, by word and deed, conveys a position about the immorality of homosexuality that is directly contrary to the Boy Scouts' own views on the subject. If the Court rules against the Boy Scouts, the organization's mission of instilling in young boys their moral obligations to God, country, and family will be severely undermined, with predictably disastrous consequences for a society such as ours that, as our Founders rightly understood, cannot be preserved "but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue."
The 20th Century's Twin Relics of Barbarism [John Eastman's archived writings, Claremont Insitute]