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NOM's new Chair: GSAs are 'incubators of moral relativism'

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-09-23 At 10.07.45 AmJohn Eastman, 2/8/2000, speaking out against gay-straight alliances in public schools:

"Our public schools are not supposed to be forums for alternative lifestyles, nor incubators of moral relativism. Since the earliest days of our nation, schools have received public support because America's Founders recognized that wisdom and knowledge, as well as virtue, to use the words of the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 and still in effect, were necessary for the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people.

Perhaps the best statement of this principle is found in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787: "Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." In short, the Founders well understood that a republican form of government could not succeed without a virtuous citizenry. The principal role of public schools is to help develop such citizens.

The court's order moves us one big step away from that mission, undermining the well-being not just of students and parents at El Modena High School, but of all of us. Perhaps it is high time for the Orange Unified School Board and every school board to reject federal funds and the strings that come along with them. By re-assuming complete financial responsibility for the education of our children, we will also regain some control over the moral content of that education.
A School Board's Dilemma [John Eastman's archived writings, Claremont Institute]

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