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North Carolina's leading 'protect marriage' group: Gays die early -- see, Paul Cameron says so!
Paul Cameron's 1994 "study" titled "The Longevity of Homosexuals: Before and After the AIDS Epidemic" is almost never used, even by those on the far-right. Cameron, in general, has been so resoundingly discredited and this "study," in particular, has been so called out, that few would dare to hinge their reputations on the work of a man who has been booted from his own professional organization.
But you know who does run with this discredited work? The North Carolina Family Policy Council, the same group that is trying to push a discriminatory marriage amendment into the state's constitution. In the organization's Fall 2009 magazine, NCFPC ran a piece in which they cited Cameron's "work" to say that LGB people are innately fated for shorter lifespans:
[*SOURCE: North Carolina Family Policy Council's Fall 2009 magazine]
Yup, that's right: This is what the group that is now pushing a 2012 "protect marriage" amendment really tells supporters when they think we're not looking, This is what they told folks in order to build up support for said amendment: That gay people are somehow pre-programmed for earlier mortality, which is why we must be protected from ourselves.
But notice NCFPC actually never uses the words Paul Cameron. The footnotes read like so:
Because even NCFPC surely knows that Cameron is a third rail rejected by even their own team. They just didn't think people like me would ever look further.
Well I am looking. And I will continue to do so, as I work to show North Carolina what, exactly, they will be getting in bed with if and when they choose to support this flawed act of crude bias!
NC's leading 'protect marriage' group: Gay dudes sink ships, ruin heterosexist cruises [G-A-Y]
NC's leading 'protect marriage' group: See what president Bill Brooks says is a 'great answer' [G-A-Y]