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Soldier puts life on line; GOP crowd puts boos on voice
Some members of the audience at last night's GOP presidential debate actually booed -- BOOED! -- when active duty servicemember Stephen Hill posed a question pertaining to DADT repeal -- a booing that drew not even an ounce of pushback from the candidates onstage. Then following Rick Santorum's promise to reinstate military discrimination, the Republican audience applauded as if they were trying to bring life to Tinkerbell (or Ronald Reagan, as it were).
Think Progress has the unsettling clip:
Audience Boos Gay Soldier At GOP Debate, Santorum Promises To Reinstate Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell [Think Progress]
*UPDATE: GOProud's Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron:
“Tonight, Rick Santorum disrespected our brave men and women in uniform, and he owes Stephen Hill, the gay soldier who asked him the question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal, an immediate apology."
FULL: Rick Santorum Owes Gay Soldier an Apology [GOProud]