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'Values Voter' catering: Canapés on the tray, animus on the slate

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-09-15 At 10.53.27 AmMitt Romney has now announced his plans to be at the Family Research Council's so-called "Values Voter Summit," joining Gov. Rick Perry, Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Senator Rick Santorum, Rep. Ron Paul, and Herman Cain on the slate of GOP primary candidates who will address an extreme organization that the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated as an anti-gay hate group.

So that means of the folks with any credible chance of seizing the Republican nomination, only Gingrich and Palin have yet to confirm (both have been invited; I'd expect Newt to sign on, Sarah to stay away). Because that's the world we still live in: One where a group that breeds abject hostility -- and there's simply no denying that this is what FRC breeds in regards to LGBT people (see below) -- is still seen as part of the path towards a GOP nomination. Whether out of want or need (or sometimes both), this slate of potentials has to kiss Tony Perkin's man/woman-only ring in order to stay viable. That is the sad reality that all must acknowledge, LGBT Republicans foremost among us.


*Just some of what these candidates are supporting/emboldening: An organization that positions gays as kid-threatening disasters in need of "ex-gay" therapy, churns out brochures that compare same-sex marriages to those bonds which might exist between a man and a horse (complete with horse photo), directly likens us to terrorists, calla LGBT rights a battle of "good versus evil," says DADT repeal proponents are "willing to jeopardize our nation’s security to advance the agenda of the radical homosexual lobby," claims gay teens kill themselves because they know that they're "abnormal," says the gay activists who challenge FRC are "held captive by the enemy," writes that same-sex marriage will be "opening the door to all manner of moral and social evil, tweets that gays don't need to "be a slave to feelings," fundraises around the idea that gay kids are immoral and telling them otherwise is "disgusting,"and calls on U.S. gays to be either "exported" or criminalized (to name just a few examples).

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