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Audio: That time NOM's 'anti-defamation' star likened gay unions to human/beast marriage

by Jeremy Hooper

Listen to the National Organization for Marriage's "Marriage Anti-Defamation" poster boy, Frank Turek, speaking in the summer of 2008:

Comments that made him such a perfect choice for NOM's lil' project. Because who among us, in the name of anti-defamation, hasn't compared certain people's love to human/beast marriage? Except for, you know -- all of us, hopefully.

Now, I've heard Mr. Turek on a few occasions bemoan the fact that gay activists take comments like this one and accuse him of making a gross comparison. To which I say: "Uhm, yeah -- you bet your sweet beast marriage we do!" Because that's exactly what this is -- a gross, unfair, personally targeted comparison meant to demonize LGBT people, their lives, and their loves. There is no other way to take it. Saying it's just an example that's meant to highlight a "slippery slope" doesn't hold water. If you are someone whose mind takes Dan and Steve's loving union and then attempts to link it to that which might theoretically exist between Paulie the lesbian and Paulie the Parrot, then you are making willfully negligent correlations in the name of your agenda! And you are certainly trafficking in language that is much more in the camp of defamation than you are emboldening the self-victimized "anti-defamation" camp that NOM is charading into existence!


*EARLIER: Turek compares gays to animals who eat their young and generalized positioning of homosexuality as a "destructive behavior" that "we ought not act on" [G-A-Y]

NOM's Turek launch video, followed by a clip where he says homosexuality is 'destructive', 'illegitimate' 'behavior' [G-A-Y]

Gays and "radical Muslims": "both hate Western civilization, both hate Judeo-Christian natural law values that our Constitution and particularly our Declaration of Independence were founded on"

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