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Barry Bonds' home run record proves homosexuality is a choice. Or something.

by Jeremy Hooper

Wow, how can we ever argue with such lock-solid logic as this?

"How many examples does it take to prove that change in sexual orientation is possible?

Screen Shot 2011-10-28 At 9.41.26 AmOne.

We know that it’s possible to bat .400 over the course of a major league season, because one man, Ted Williams, did it in 1941. We know that it’s possible to hit 73 home runs in a single season, because one man, Barry Bonds, did it in 2001. We know that it’s possible to score 100 points in an NBA game, because one man, Wilt Chamberlain, did it in 1962.

So all it takes is one man to prove that homosexuals aren’t inevitably trapped in that lifestyle, and that sexual orientation is not an immutable characteristic like race. As the saying goes, it’s impossible to meet an ex-black, but it turns out that it is not impossible to meet an ex-gay.

In fact, there are a bunch of them out there

-Bryan Fischer, the man who pretty much single-handedly landed the American Family Association on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list, but who still manages to secure speaking gigs so entrenched within the conservative establishment that they are immediately surrounded by speeches from GOP presidential candidates. [QUOTE SOURCE]

Yes, he is really comparing empirical data like home run records to the scientifically-rejected idea that people truly "change" their sexual orientations (which is not the same thing as chosen celibacy or faith-based denial). He is pitting concretes against spurned contrivances, without apology or irony.

And then of course he goes on, in the truest of arrogant "pro-family" conservative fashions, to use a "study" from two religious college professors who come right out and admit that their true motivation is religious objection to homosexuality. Because that's their game, baby. The opposition movement has a script already written, one that demands denial of the innateness of homosexuality in order to not look like a movement that discriminates against people. That they operate with such a back-loaded need is the primary reason why their front comes across in such laughably hollow ways.

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