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Brian Brown says he's winning hearts and minds; unfortunately for him, we're winning polls and ring fingers

by Jeremy Hooper

Nine years ago, there were no states with marriage equality. Now there are six (and should be two more) plus D.C.

Six years ago, the highly respected Gallup organization found support for same-sex marriage polling somewhere around 37%, with opposition as high as 59%. In May of this year, that same organization showed 53% IN FAVOR of marriage equality, with only 45% opposed.

Four years ago, we had a President who besmirched his legacy by backing an amendment that would turn the U.S. Consitution into a weapon against LGB citizens, their rights, and their families. Now we have a President who won't even defend the indefensible Defense of Marriage Act, much less any increased federal banning. Oh, and as for that prior President? Why even 50% of his own family is now on public record as being supportive of marriage equality (and I'd put money on Jenna's support as well).

Two years ago, we had no judicial smackdowns that seem promising in terms of the Supreme Court. Today we have Judge Walker's thoroughly reasoned ruling, which is working its way up through history.

Screen Shot 2011-10-28 At 6.37.10 PmBut yeah, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown is probably right -- we probably are the ones losing Americans' hearts and minds:

"Advocates of gay marriage know they are not really winning the battle for hearts and minds, and so they are unleashing a new set of arguments."

-Brian in NOM's weekly newsletter

Sure, Brian. Whatever you say.

But wait -- there's more! Brian also writes:

"Too much of this movement is grounded in fantasy, in the idea that they can make up any message they want and transform it, with the imprimatur of the mainstream media, into "truthiness"—a secular Gospel."

-Brian in NOM's weekly newsletter

Wait, what's that, Brian? Sorry, I couldn't hear you, as I was too busy admiring the collage into which you all Photoshopped an Obama rally photo in hopes that no one would notice. What were you saying about movements that embrace fantasies?

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