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Exclusive: Minnesota For Marriage comes out for transgender children (*or at least the clipart version thereof)
Over the weekend, the coalition that's trying to mark Minnesota's constitution with crude bias abruptly changed its identifying imagery from this…
…to this:
New kid, softer colors -- but same hostility towards either of those kids, should he or she grow up to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual, or support those who are. Sadly.
Though here's where it gets really funny. The source graphic, via istockphoto, is actually of two different families. The full graphic looks like this:
So in order to make one complete portrait, Minnesota For Marriage took the first three outlines, lengthened the first mom's jacket for some odd reason (modesty or MN cold weather?), and then just up and borrowed a kid from the second set of parents in order to make one intact family of four. But they not only borrowed and blended: They actually took the one child..
…flipped the outline of what appears to be a young boy…
…and then added a ponytail to the flipped image, seemingly to transition a him into a her:
Which you know, is actually refreshing. Sincerely. I'm more than glad to see the Minnesota getting T inclusive with their clip art, even if they continue to shun the LGB!
Though I do have to wonder: Why are they trying to destroy this second couple's family portrait? What, did the second couple express support for the Equal Protection Clause or something?