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Institute for American Values blog: NOM's photo fakery is ' bothersome, ethically'
I thought I was no longer shockable. But now that FamilyScholars.org, the "pro-family" blog for the Center for Marriage and Families at the Institute for American Values (i.e., Prop 8 proponent witness David Blankenhorn's organization; Maggie Gallagher's former employer; major NOM ally), has decided to call out NOM for its Obama rally photo fakery, I realize there's still some capacity for shock left in the ol' boy:
Aside from the obvious deception regarding the size of the crowds at NOM rallies, isn’t it wrong to use a photo of people who, it’s pretty safe to guess, overwhelmingly oppose NOM’s goals?
NOM’s Unethical Swiping of Obama Rally Photos [FamilyScholars.org]