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Jason McGuire says marriage equality leads supporters to eternity of hellfire -- yet *Cuomo's* out of line?!?

by Jeremy Hooper

During the state's marriage equality fight, Rev. Jason McGuire routinely condemned same-sex marriages of being of Satan, and on several occasions flat-out said that equality supporters were going to spend an eternity in hell:

Now this same Jason McGuire has the gall to demand an apology from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, simply because Cuomo (correctly) noted that those who were opposed to the legislation were largely opposed because they wanted to discriminate against gay people. Politics on the the Hudson has that story, as well as a letter McGuire sent to Cuomo:

Religious leader wants apology on Cuomo’s gay-marriage remarks [Politics on the Hundson]

The thing these self-victimizing "traditional marriage" supporters always overlook: That Gov. Cuomo didn't say "these people are bigots" or declare that anti-equality the mindset is always born out of animus. He simply said that the act of opposing equality, regardless of reason or root, is civil discrimination, which flies in the face of what should be a church-separated state and nation. Gov. Cuomo was taking on policy, not person. It's folks like Jason McGuire, as part of the ongoing attempt to put an unfair onus on those who support benign civil peace, who are turning this, a triumph for our shared communities that co-exist under a shared constitution, into a referendum/attack on individual character.

The game won't work, at least here on Earth. I'll leave the post-life predictions to Mr. McGuire.

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