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Maggie honing in on NC; less 'Tar Heel,' more 'tar certain people's ring fingers'
And now Maggie Gallagher will tell North Carolinians why they should write discrimination into their state's constitution:
"You're children are going to be watching you, they're going to watching whether you think God's truth about marriage is important -- you know, if gay marriage becomes the law of the land in North Carolina, your children and your grandchildren are going to be taught that the biblical truth about marriage and the common sense, cross cultural, historic understanding of marriage are somehow like bigotry, like racism, they're bad ideas to be discarded. So if you believe that we're born male and female and we're called to come together in love in this thing called marriage to give our children the inestimable blessing of their mother and father united marriage, now is your chance to make your voice heard."
And of course it's the anti-equality folks who Maggie says are really in danger of becoming "second class citizens":
"There's a fairly powerful and determined effort to redefine public morality so that people who are attached to the biblical truth and the constant truth about marriage are second class citizens"
And just think: We have months and months of this kind of thing, in multiple states, before we even get to a vote. That's exciting, right?