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NOM star blames Devil for homosexuality; Personally, I've always indicted orgasms

by Jeremy Hooper

On April 29, the National Organization For Marriage, amid deep congratulations, called him an "arrow in the quiver."

On July 29, NOM pushed his call to defend DOMA, saying it's "all hands on deck" time.

201110311654-1So what does high ranking Catholic Daniel Avila do to earn and maintain all of this respect, you ask? Oh. Well. He says crap like this:

"In other words, the scientific evidence of how same-sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil. Any time natural disasters occur, we as people of faith look back to Scripture's account of those angels who rebelled and fell from grace. In their anger against God, these malcontents prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. They continue to do all they can to mar, distort and destroy God's handiwork."
Catholic Bishops' 'Marriage Guy' Says Satan Makes People Gay [Right Wing Watch]

An arrow in the quiver, indeed! Remind me to grab an extra coat of armor, lest a quiver marked for Satan confuse someone to use its contents on me, the mortal world surrogate, instead.

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