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Okay, if we have to talk about that Jones and Yarhouse study again -- LETS TALK!
Since social conservatives like the National Organization For Marriage's Thomas Peters are once again asking us to accept Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse's "ex-gay" research as if it were led by science and not an agenda, I thought I would once again show you how laughable that is.
Here are two videos that the aggressively anti-LGBT Liberty University posted to its iTunesU page as a learning tool for students seeking a Bachelor of Science in Psychology in the area of Christian Counseling. The first one stars Mr. Yarhouse, Regent University professor, speaking for nearly an hour about how evangelicals can use their "Christian seal ethic" in order to release gays from their "abnormality." The second features Mr. Jones, Wheaton College professor, speaking preaching for over an hour about "immoral" gays and how Christians can stop the "growing acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle" when faced against the "weapon of science."
Watch as much or as little as you want, and feel free to share these with anyone else who tries to use this ridiculous piece of propaganda masquerading as a "study":
[SOURCE: Liberty University iTunesU]