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PFOX caught in yet another spinjob; also, grass still green

by Jeremy Hooper

6A00D8341C503453Ef014E608D26Bb970CThe so-called Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is notorious for taking a kernel of truth and twisting and tugging at it so that it benefits their pro-"ex-gay" cause. Now comes yet another example of this, the deceptive game that underlies this organization's every step.

On Monday, the ever duplicitous PFOX prez, Regina "71% of men having sex with men are HIV positive" Griggs, posted the following:


Montgomery County, MD – Peter Sprigg, a director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), has been recognized by the Superintendent of Schools of Montgomery County, Maryland, for his years of service to the local public school system. As a representative of PFOX, Sprigg served on the school board’s Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development for the last six years. The Committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding the student sex education curriculum.

Sprigg originally joined the committee in 2005 as a representative of PFOX after the county’s previous sex education curriculum was thrown out as a result of a lawsuit in which PFOX was one of the plaintiffs. Although committee members usually are limited to two two-year terms, Sprigg was granted special permission to serve a third term from 2009 to 2011.

Superintendent Joshua P. Starr noted in his letter to Sprigg, “The committee often deals with issues that evoke strong emotions and your thoughtful participation in the committee’s work helped create a collaborative environment.”
KEEP READING: Public Schools Thank Director of Ex-Gay Organization for Local Service [PFOX]

Only problem for Regina? This whole thing is complete hogwash! "Ex-gay" advocate Peter Sprigg was not specifically thanked, like Regina suggests. It wasn't his "thoughtful participation," specifically, that was singled out, like Regina makes it sound. Peter Sprigg was simply the recipient of a form letter -- the same form "thank you" that every member of this committee received!

But don't take my word for it. This comes from Brian Edwards, Superintendent Starr's Chief of Staff:

Mr. Sprigg received the same letter that other members of the advisory committee received. The letter simply thanked the members for their service at the end of their term. Any attempt to turn a simple “thank you for your time and service” letter into something else is misguided.

Dr. Starr does not endorse or share PFOX’s perspective on the issues in any way.

So essentially, PFOX is touting a blanket courtesy letter, penned by someone who, decidedly, "does not endorse or share" the organization's perspective. Is the really the sort of thing an organization press releases? And not only press releases, but press releases in a way that makes it sound as if Peter "export/criminalize the gays" Sprigg got some sort of special recognition?! Seriously?

But then again, I guess when your entire cause is built on rejection of what credentialed officials actually say, all bets are off. The bets, if not the ultimately unspinnable truth that is human sexual orientation.

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