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Photo: A mutant strain of NOM misrepresentation (Part 2)

by Jeremy Hooper

Last night, I showed you how the staunch pro-DOMA warriors at the National Organization For Marriage are using a crowd shot from a rally in support of now-President Obama, staunch anti-DOMA voice, in order to beef up their reliably paltry rally pics. Now comes one more, from the same NOM-branded New Hampshire For Marriage site. And this one is even worse than before in the way it so clearly attempts to make NOM president Brian Brown's speech seem well-attended:

NOM's image:

Screen Shot 2011-10-25 At 11.26.12 Am-1
[SOURCE: NH For Marriage, a project of the National Organization For Marriage]

The source for the left portion of the above collage? Here:

Screen Shot 2011-10-25 At 11.27.25 Am
[SOURCE: Upper Arlington Progressive Action]
(h/t: G-A-Y reader Cindy)

Again: A completely different state, time period, and cause. But of course the same obvious attempt to make the NOM movement look formidable.

That they'd even consider doing something like this is just so telling.


*UPDATE, 10/27: An admission of guilt, coupled with a new kind of humorous failure [G-A-Y]

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