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Poll: Most New Hampshirites don't want to strip fellow citizens of in-place, deserved right

by Jeremy Hooper

Encouraging news from the Granite State:

Screen Shot 2011-10-13 At 6.19.22 PmNew Hampshire’s marriage law, which has allowed committed gay and lesbian couples to marry since 2009, has retained its popularity statewide with 62% of Granite Staters opposing its repeal, according to the nonpartisan University of New Hampshire Survey Center poll released today. Equally important, the survey found strong empathy towards the law, with the people of the state much more likely to support legislators who will stop this latest repeal drive.

“Voters know that taking away freedom does not square with New Hampshire values – and that getting our fiscal house in order is the only priority right now,” said Craig Stowell, the former Marine and new Republican co-chair of Standing Up for New Hampshire Families. “Granite Staters are sending a clear and consistent message to the statehouse: leave the state’s popular marriage law alone.”
BREAKING: Granite Staters “Strongly Oppose” Repeal of NH Marriage Law (UNH Poll) [Standing Up For NH Families]

Whether it's the fair minds or greater access to wedding cake and open bars, who the heck cares? New Hampshire looks poised to do the right thing.

For now, that is. It's up to us to show why equality is the winning position, why this kind of repeal is uniquely mean-spirited, and what kind of rhetoric the opposition groups are pushing to achieve the compassionless goal. Because you can be sure: The other side is going to explore every last option before eventually running out of them all.

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