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'Religious freedom' at its finest: NOM's Thomas Peters says pro-equality Catholics are 'fake'

by Jeremy Hooper

Like all of those self-appointed moral authoritarians who are out to save the rest of us from ourselves, the National Organization For Marriage's Thomas Peters is of course a huge fan of that much-cherished notion known as "religious freedom." In fact, Thomas loves it so much, that he'll use his own sense of freedom to write off Catholics who disagree with him on same-sex marriage as being "fake":

It’s not surprising that a group of people who believe they can simply redefine what marriage is also thinks they can simply redefine what it means to be Catholic.
Abp. Broglio of the Archdiocese of the Military Services has also made clear that Catholics for Equality is a fake Catholic group.
MN Catholic Conference Calls Out Fake “Catholics for Equality” Group [Catholic Vote]

Right. So for those keeping track of the NOM view:

  • If you publicly declare yourself to be Catholic and pro-equality in opposition of groups like NOM who are proudly Catholic and anti-LGBT and you are written off as "fake."


  • If you operate under the banner of NOM, then you are always the victim.

Got all that? Good. NOW HELP ME DEFEAT IT!

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