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The fringing of NOM: Incoming board chair refers to opposition movement as 'evil'
NOM's incoming Board Chair, John Eastman, talking to National Catholic Register about his opposition and their "evil" goals:
"Evil will be with us always, and it requires constant vigilance to defeat. I look at it as a litigator and an educator. There will always be threats to institutions grounded in human nature by those who think human nature doesn’t define limits. We need to be involved in the immediate defense of threats against marriage, but also take a long-range view by educating the next generation about the importance of the issues we’re confronting."
*EARLIER: Eastman is also on record calling gay-straight alliances "incubators of moral relativism," referring to homosexuality as modern day "barbarism," pushing extremist Scott Lively's "ex-gay" advocacy as a "common-sense suggestion," and lashing out against the "currently fashionable view that homosexual conduct is just another legitimate lifestyle choice."
But then again, he also said he thinks Judge Walker's ruling could be the tipping point that makes Supreme Court Justice Kennedy (the likely swing) side with equality. So it looks like Mr. Eastman plans to weaken NOM's case from multiple fronts. Yay.