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Tony Perkins says homosexuality leads to 'physical and emotional demise', faults Chris Christie for not saying same

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-10-27 At 9.52.00 AmI knew it was only a matter of time before some socially conservative outfit lashed out at GOP star Chris Christie (R-NJ) for noting the obvious concerns with NJ public school teacher Viki Knox' comments against gay people. And I'm certainly not surprised it's the Family Research Council that's doing so, with president Tony Perkins now chastising Gov. Christie for siding with a "pro-homosexual view that leads to children's physical and emotional demise":

[Viki Knox] posted a picture of the school's display case on her personal Facebook page and wrote that "homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation… Why parade your unnatural immoral behaviors before the rest of us?" Even though she posted the comments at home, after hours, and on her personal profile, officials insist she acted inappropriately.

And those officials include Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.). Christie made the mistake of weighing in on the controversy from a politically correct standpoint. Calling her views "disturbing," Christie came dangerously close to dismissing Viki's First Amendment rights altogether. "I think that kind of example is not a positive one at all to be setting for folks who have such an important and influential position in our society," the Governor said. "I'm really concerned about those kinds of statements being made."

If that's the case, what kind of "positive" example does the Governor have in mind? A pro-homosexual view that leads to children's physical and emotional demise?

MORE: The School of Hard Knox [FRC]

So here we have Tony supporting a public school teacher by even further stigmatizing the LGBT kids who may come under her tutelage. Why do they think this is smart?

Memo to Viki Knox: These folks will say and do anything, regardless of the truth. Sure, you may feel all cocky now, with support from the loud echo chamber that turns every single situation like this into a false "free speech" matter. But like all "culture war" controversies, this too shall pass. And when it does and when the folks who are trying to fundraise around this situation move on to the next, the valid concerns pertaining to public school will remain. The smart money is on making amends and strengthening the vow to respect all students equally, not siding with the crowd that thinks even the most basic form of tolerance is an exercise in "indoctrination."

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