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Yet another NOM source pushing 'ex-gay' therapy

by Jeremy Hooper

The following comes from NOM's Ruth Institute. It's not even a story pushing "ex-gay" nonsense -- it's a press release from the religious professors behind the "research":

Screen Shot 2011-10-05 At 5.29.19 Pm
[SOURCE: NOM's Ruth Institute]

It's not just about marriage for them, folks. We need to start stating that fact whenever and wherever we speak!


*EARLIER: About the authors of this "study": Okay, if we have to talk about that Jones and Yarhouse study again -- LET"S TALK! [G-A-Y]


*EARLIER "ex-gay" NOMminess:

-Brian Brown, NOM President: Pushed this same Jones and Yarhouse study in NOM's weekly newsletter, speaking highly of "managing sexual desire" and "faith in human freedom and human reason," calling it "heartening" to see "motivated religious individuals in this [study] sample who sought to bring their sexual behavior to conform to their religious ideals succeeded—some by changing their self-reported sexual orientation, even more by exercising the difficult virtue of chastity."

-Maggie Gallagher, former President and Board Chair, now head of NOM's "Marriage Anti-Defmation Alliance": Has called homosexuality an "unfortunate thing" and "at a minimum, a sexual dysfunction much as impotence or infertility," as well as suggested gays "can always control their behavior" and called on a sitting President to give more research dollars to "ex-gay" research, I really don't think I'm missing anything finer or more nuanced in her latest call.

-Jennifer Roback Morse, head of NOM's affiliate Ruth Institute: On her Catholic radio program, Morse went into a long explanation about how Catholics like herself don't "accept the category of gayness," basically saying that we are all just men and women who are meant to be heterosexual, regardless of our "attractions."

-Damian Goddard, the man who is working with Maggie on that silly new "Anti-Defamation" project: Advocated for "Courage," an organization geared towards helping LGBT Catholics "change."

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