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'You have no platform,' taunts @jmattbarber to person with 1,953,013 followers than himself

by Jeremy Hooper

If you're going to tweet out a knock like this one, courtesy of overheated anti-LGBT activist Matt Barber…

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…it's probably better if you yourself don't have .1% of the followers…

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…of the person whose "small"platform" you are attacking:

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Just a thought. One that is even more compelling when you consider that Maddow's cable TV rivals, Sean Hannity and Piers Morgan, also have less followers -- considerably fewer in the case of the conservative [Hannity: 84,824 on his TV account, 204,864 on his radio account; Morgan: 1,384,638 on his personal, 76,312 on his show]. This Internet thing doesn't seem to be going anywhere, and it seems quite good at pushing a falling tree's sound. Or at pushing a failing "culture war" sound, as the case may be.

Though I will have to say: As a vegetarian, I'm quite glad Matt reminded me about Lefty Nut Burgers. I was totally planning on having Soros Socialist Seitan tonight, but hey -- change of plans!


For background on Matt Barber: There was the time Matt said that gay male relationships constitute "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it ‘love’”; the time Matt called President Barack Obama an anti-american enemy; the time he accused Obama and Barney Frank of being anti-religious bigots; the time he suggested there are "sinister motives" in the Obama White House; the time he agreed with TVC's Andrea Lafferty that homosexuality is "among a litany of...sexual deviances" that include things like sex with an amputee's stump and sexual behavior involving feces and urine; the time he likened pro-equality progressives to Fred "God Hates F*gs" Phelps; the time he referred to marriage equality advocates as "purveyors of evil"; the time he compared gay unions to marrying a house plant; the time he said Ellen Degeneres "guides her many adoring housewife fans into rebellion against God's divine and explicit natural order"; the time he called Google "satanic" for supporting marriage equality; the time he accused gay-friendly media outlets of trying "to make the absurd appear reasonable and normal"; the time he referred to the Muslim faith as "Satanic";etc., etc. More than just about anyone in the "pro-family" world (with the possible exception of Bryan Fisher), Matt has made the choice to go as personal, as negative, as hyperbolic, and as wantonly hurtful as humanly inhumanely possible. He does this on the daily.

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