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Anita Bryant: Ready for her premium cable closeup
Chad Hodge is writing an HBO biopic on the life of notorious anti-gay crusader Anita Bryant. And as Hodge tells E! Online's Marc Malkin: Bryant is actually willingly opening up to the openly gay screenwriter:
"She was panicked to meet me and I was panicked to meet her," said Hodge, who most recently was executive producer of The Playboy Club.
The two eventually warmed to each other. "We talked about everything," Hodge said. "Religion, homosexuality, her life and every detail of her life. I mean, everything! She really opened up to me. It started very standoffish…but then it slowly took a turn and she opened up and cried to me."
Read more: Anita Bryant "Wants a Gay Best Friend Just Like Everyone Else" (Really?!) [E! Online]
Now, lest you think she's had some great change of heart, remember that Bryant recently wrote the forward for Sally Kern's anti-gay memoir. Plus Bryant has done so much lasting damage to equality in this country that it would take days years of productive conversations with every single LGBT person in this nation to even make have a dent.
If Bryant is gladly opening up, it's most likely that powerful combination of ego and public image leading her to help shape a compelling telefilm. And just as with so many other parts of our culture: Yet another example of an anti-LGBT person gladly reaping the benefits of a gay man's creativity.