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Audio: If you show up with your same-sex spouse, you're victimizing Maggie Gallagher and Jen Roback Morse
Last night, I told you about NOM's plans to launch a video instructing same-sex marriage opponents on how to handle their equality-supportive families around the Tofurky Day table. Now comes more background, courtesy of a radio chat between NOM's Maggie Gallagher and Jennifer Roback Morse.
The whole thing is pretty unbelievable (6:20: Maggie refers to gay acceptance as "upside down sort of culture"; 8:00: Morse calls this "the most toxic debate I've ever been in, with no acknowledgment of the discrimination that is making it so toxic) especially for those of us gay folk who know the pains of "culture war" family strife just a little too personally. But when Morse goes so far as to attach the phrase "emotional blackmail" to those who wish to eat their cranberry sauce without a side of dogma (20:15: "A kind of emotional blackmail. I'm holding up the whole relationship, and I'm entitled to get self righteous. I feel this this is a common pattern that's accelerated and deepened in some ways over the last five years, over the particular issue"), the turkey talk goes completely off the rails
Listen to as much or as little as you can stomach:
[SOURCE: Catholic Radio of San Diego]