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LGBT Inclusivity: Does NOM find it alleged? A problem?
Check out this little post from NOM Blog:
This is one of those instances where so little says so much about the writer and the host organization. Let's consider a few things
[1] The story itself has nothing to do with marriage and everything to do with LGBT existences and their onscreen representations. NOM staffers constantly assert their lack of problem with LGBT people, saying the organization's fight is only about activists "forcing marriage redefinition on the rest of us." But that they find a story in this, the state of primetime inclusivity, would seem to show that their actual "concerns" go beyond just the ring finger.
[2] What's with the fear quotes? We're used to seeing social conservatives put them around words like marriage, a way of conveying their lack of acceptance for such unions. But NOM doesn't usually do this, even with marriage. So to see them doing it now, with something as concrete and generalized as LGBT inclusivity? It's a telling choice, be it the product of one NOM writer's thinking patterns or new organizational policy.
To me, this is yet another example of NOM's ongoing metamorphosis from an organization highly concerned with shaping a moderate, marriage-focused image to a generalized anti-LGBT outfit that's quite willing to court the fringe. In a world where "Modern Family" consistently tops the TV ratings, I personally don't see the sustainable wisdom in that. Though far be it from me to offer advice to NOM, the one reality show that I'd most love to cancel.