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Man who spoke at Values Voter Summit right after Mitt Romney: 'Homosexuality represents an evolutionary degrade'...'evidence of a species devolving'
Start with some good old fashion attacks both on evolution and gays' supposedly 'nightmarish' role within it. Stick around for conflation of homosexuality with pedophilia:
Tony Perkins booked this man to speak at his Values Voters Summit, right behind Romney, and on the same overall schedule as every single GOP presidential frontrunner. If a man who said crap like this about any other kind of group had a top-billed gig at a forum for Democratic primary candidates, do you think the social conservatives and the media would be turning it into an issue? Yeah, me too. But with Fischer, all we got, primarily, was criticism of his views on Mormons, even though the above video about his favorite object of obsession is par for the course. In fact, it's tamer than some of his others.
Why is our brute scorning still met with so many blind eyes?