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MN For Marriage: Know them by their Tweets
Come November 2012, Minnesota For Marriage -- a coalition of the National Organization For Marriage, the Minnesota Family Council, and the Minnesota Catholic Conference -- will be working to convince voters that the state's proposed amendment banning marriage is fit for passage for a number of concrete reasons grounded in civil law. But for now, a year out, this same coalition is building support by pushing opinions….
…wholly grounded in the idea that same-sex marriage is a "sin" that is "not acceptable to Him" and will "destroy people's lives":
Minnesota has had it right on marriage; one man/one woman=marriage.
The people of Minnesota have been wise to stand in agreement with the Bible. Our nation was founded on God's Word, without which we would have chaos.
Remember, it is righteousness that exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people. Believe the Creator, He knows what He is doing, and how tolerance and acceptance of that which is not acceptable to Him will destroy people's lives.
Nikki LaCourisere
1 man/1 woman= marriage [Mesabi Daily News]
As I always say at times like this: I don't care that the opposition campaign *believes* this. I only care that they admit that they believe it come election time. If this is the kind of view they are really pushing, then I want to see an ad showing Minnesotans the supposed "chaos" that marriage equality will fire down upon the state.
Seriously, I mean it: Bring the fire and brimstone and let the *CIVIL MARRIAGE* cards fall where they may!