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Secretary of Principled Statement: HUD head backs freedom to marry

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2011-11-16 At 8.36.46 AmWe now have our first sitting Cabinet Secretary on record for marriage equality. Chris Geidner has the scoop:

U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan became the first sitting cabinet secretary to announce support for marriage equality, saying on Nov. 15 that he ''absolutely'' supports marriage equality in an exclusive interview with Metro Weekly.
HUD Secretary Supports Marriage Equality [Metro Weekly]

The comment came after Donovan's speech to the National Center for Transgender Equality, the first time a Cabinet Secretary has ever addressed a transgender organization. A development which is as welcome as it is delayed.

Now to pair Donovan with his colleagues in the education department, blasting these "evolved" stances throughout D.C., America, and the world.

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