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Video: As promised, Maggie Gallagher's Thanksgiving 'advice'
I told you it was coming. Now here it is, released under an American Principles Project label rather than NOM's:
I'll stick with Heloise, Martha Stewart, and "Dear Abby," thank you very much.
**NOTE: APP is another project of NOM co-founder Robby George, involving Maggie, Thomas Peters, and various other NOM staffers. Don't don't be fooled -- this is all part of the same NOM family table.
**MORE warm family vibes:
"I want to keep you from having federal parity -- now would you please pass the potatoes?"
Sorry Maggie, but while you might get Thanksgiving civility for the sake of a drama-less day of rest, the after effects of your work will remain long after the Tryptophan wears off.