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What does it take to get banned from NOM's Ruth Institute?

by Jeremy Hooper

Yesterday evening, longtime Ruth Institute contributor Ari Mendelson posted the following to the site's blog:

Screen Shot 2011-11-22 At 8.39.08 Pm

I was of course appalled when I read the attack -- as a gay man, as someone with a rich and supportive Jewish community all around me, and a "culture war" engager who is sick of the way the other side defines religious freedom by only their own terms. But considering the Ruth Institute is an official National Organization For Marriage project and considering the mountains of slights I've documented from that organization, I didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary, really.

Apparently I was wrong. Ari's post has been pulled (the above screen cap is from a page I had saved) and this has been put up in its stead:

Screen Shot 2011-11-22 At 8.40.00 Pm

Kind of weird, actually. After all, it was just two months ago that NOM was viciously attacking David Weprin's Orthodox Jewish faith, simply because the NY Assemblyman voted for equality. What's the difference in what Ari wrote?

Or there was the time that NOM Cultural Director Thomas Peters said pro-equality Catholics are "fake Catholics." Isn't that basically the same thing?

I suspect there is more to this than just the post. If Ari knows and wants to share, I'll give him the open forum.


**MORE: Equality Matters has background on Ari's recent work, as well as plenty of other Ruth Institute posts that bely the above call for civility : NOM Blogger Gets Shut Down After Anti-Gay Posts [Equality Matters]


*EVEN MORE from Rob Tisinai, who notes the irony attached to the NOM/Ruth behavior: NOM's Special Right [Box Turtle Bulletin]

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