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Evangelical 'World' blesses 'ex-gay' star with Daniel; Play considered too farcical for a Tony
For its December issue, prominent Christian magazine World has chosen "ex-gay" advocate Alan Chambers for its "Daniel of The Year" award (which they describe as "one Christian from the millions around the world who have put their faith in God and gained the strength to stand up against ungodly trends"):
2011 Daniel of the Year: Alan Chambers: Change we can believe in [World magazine]
From all reports, Exodus is bleeding money. All of credible science rejects so-called "ex-gay" therapy. Polling on the subject also shows the American public rejecting the idea. The vast majority of "former homosexuals" admit that they are really just celibate, while others (including Alan) admit that they are still "tempted" by the same sex. Many walk away and become vocal opponents of the bizarre tactics they encountered. Oh, and of course there are the deep and obvious dangers that these kinds of programs, which purposely seek out scared and vulnerable parents, pose to the emotional young LGBT person who doesn't understand why the "cure" is not working on him or her.
And this is what the evangelical world honors as a year's best accomplishment? What, were there no good Jesus-in-food sightings this year?