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NHMarriage.org equates equal marriage with erosion, trash; guess they couldn't find a nuclear bomb stock photo

by Jeremy Hooper

Those working to repeal New Hampshire's fairly enacted marriage equality law have launched a new website through which they are channeling their energies. My theory is that NOM's previously launched NHForMarriage site, because of its much-covered photo fabrications, now has too much baggage to be taken seriously. But I can't prove that's the reason for this new, alternate site.

Whatever the reason, the new effort is really, really nasty about us. Check out these site banners:

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Gays are defined by the purposely fun and free frivolity of parades? Great, heterosexual marriage -- then this February, I can't wait to define straight values by all of the heteros who either seek or abide by the popular Mardi Gras request to "Show Me Your [Breasts]."

Gays are trashing values via the ongoing pursuit of marriage? That's interesting, since our media is littered with examples of dwindling interest in the institution. It would seem that if not for marriage equality activists, the only thing modern children would ever hear about marriage is that one who admittedly practiced adultery still gets to preach "marital values" in his pursuit of the highest office, and that reality stars will only increase their profiles if they decide to end their own marriages after only ten weeks and two days.

Same-sex couples are eroding the marital mountain? Nope, only the unfair obstacles that have kept the playing field unlevel for far too long!

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