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NOM off the rails: Supposedly marriage-focused group now pushing 'gays can change' video

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage, the group that will soon lead the fights in every state where marriage is going to the polls, is now pushing an incredibly incendiary (and fallacious) video from the Family Research Council, which, among other things, says gays can and should "change" their sexual orientations:

Screen Shot 2011-12-05 At 12.16.00 Pm

I didn't advance the above screen cap. That's what blazing on NOM's blog right now: A "former homosexual" telling NOM followers that homosexuality is as removable as a wedding ring.

As I always say to NOM: Put it in your ads! I would have absolutely no problem with NOM's increasingly obvious endgame if they would at least have the fortitude to stand by such teachings when campaign time rolls around.

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