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Official Vote For Marriage NC partner: Homosexuality = 'something radically wrong with the human heart'

by Jeremy Hooper

201112061358Christian Action League head Mark Creech is part of the official coalition that will work with the National Organization For Marriage (among others) to convince voters to write a civil marriage ban into the state's constitution. So that being the case, I thought it'd be prudent to look at what this official "Vote For Marriage NC" partner thinks about gay people and their reasons for being, before the more pragmatic minds swoop in and demands the coalition hide behind a false "it's just about marriage" curtain:

"While certain personality traits, familial relationships, early childhood experiences, possible sexual molestation, etc., may provide fertile soil for homosexuality to grow, these factors are not the primal issue. Homosexuality is not the result of biology! It is not caused by a deficit in the relationship with the same-sex parent! It is not caused by a failure to bond with one’s same-sex peers or any other outside influences! It is caused by something radically wrong with the human heart! It is caused by the principle of sin!"

"There is no more important factor in the transforming of homosexuals than learning the truth about themselves: they are sinners in need of the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Outside influences that play upon the human psyche are not the main reason for homosexuality — sin is. The real cause of homosexual desire or activity is the idolatrous instincts of the human heart.
The Real Cause of Homosexuality by Rev. Mark Creech

As I always say at times like this: PUT. IT. IN. YOUR. ADS!

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