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Operation Make the GOP like Mitt Romney: 'He's not a gay rights activist, promise!' Edition
It's truly fascinating to hear the spin surrounding Mitt Romney and LGBT equality. Even though the former Massachusetts Governor has had a clearly documented shift from the time he vowed to be better on gay rights than even the late Ted Kennedy to his current presidential bid -- where he has signed on to the National Organization For Marriage's truly jarring marriage pledge and even spoke out against something as heavily supported as Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal -- everyone from Maggie Gallagher to Ann Coulter to local Massachusetts conservatives have jumped in to convince America that there's a true heterosexist within the candidate's heart. Even as more outspoken Massachusetts conservatives are doing everything they can to make him seem like a stealth LGBT activist.
At link, NPR's "All Things Considers" proceeds to, well -- consider all things:
Audio and Transcript: Romney Stance On Gay Rights? It's Complicated [NPR]