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Romney admittedly wants tiered Americans; I'm starting to get why GOP is totally over him

by Jeremy Hooper

It takes a lot to drop my jaw these days. This proposal that Mitt Romney revealed to the Boston Herald kinda did it:

[Romney] Expressed support for a constitutional amendment that could create a complex three-tier system of marriage — maintaining marriage rights for straight couples, allowing gays who have already married to remain married, but barring future same-sex marriages.

“I think it would keep intact those marriages which had occurred under the law but maintain future plans based on marriage being between a man and a woman,” Romney said.

Romney: Money’s no object in Prez election [Boston Herald]
(H/t: ThinkProgress)

It's weird that this offends me more than a full on Federal Marriage Amendment -- but it totally does! Sure, people like me would get to remain married under this proposal, but it 201112151537would attach such an insane stigma to my legal union. Can you even imagine having to go through life explaining that you get to have a yearly wedding anniversary only because you were lucky enough to have been able to crawl through a temporary window? Forget the cruel reminder in your country's most precious governing document that reminds you of second-class -- for those "lucky" same-sex couples, their most cherished wedding ring would be its own reminder!

It's never going to happen, either a full FMA or Romney's farkakta plan. But that this candidate would even suggest such indignity as if it's any kind of compromise tells me all I need to know about the man, his principles, and his regard for my family.

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