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To those who wonder why we scoff at 'loving' 'pro-family' 'values' labels, I give you Linda Harvey…
If Linda Harvey's year-end assessment of LGBT rights in 2011 isn't an all-out attempt to make people hate us, then I don't know what is:
Dare I say the obvious? We need non-effeminate men in the military. Does anyone really believe that a prancing drill sergeant won't detract from readiness? Where women are serving, they should be women of high character, not those who embrace homosexual conduct and publicly declare a "sin" identity. These folks have truly lost their way, their shame, their innate sense of God's touch on and design for their lives.
Friends, this list is a call to action. We need to first understand the decline into barbarism that homosexual and sex-change activism brings. Then, we need to each be that person who gets it, who understands that these folks with their radical ideology are purposely endangering families, children, our nation's security, our economy and the religious freedom of all who don't go along.
God has warned us in the pages of Scripture that these sinful impulses will end in catastrophe. It's not true that this is just another way to love, but these activists, as you can see, intend to overturn the beauty of traditional sexual morality.
Top 10 'gay' abuses of 2011 [WND]
Move over, Harold Camping: 2012 will be the year of Harvey carping. Expect many predictions of a world that's headed for Armageddon, with gays and their "barbarism" creating the "catastrophe." Fallout and responsibility be damned right alongside the gays.