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Video: NOM makes its most ridiculous 'Defamation' video yet

by Jeremy Hooper

The National Organization For Marriage's latest "marriage Anti-Defamation" video is an absolute mess. It's also much ado about nothing.

The situation: A Canadian organization called Out In Schools issued booklets that encourage students to reject homophobia, accept their gay peers, and work to minimize threats on a number of fronts. As part of this project, Out in Schools provided resource links to Health Initiatives For Men, another organization focused on gay men's health and well-being. After a period of time, this HIM website, unbeknownst to the Out in Schools folks, created a semi-racy video campaign that was meant to target older, sexually-active gay men. A couple of administrators caught note of this more adult outreach effort and began casting public aspersions against the entire project. So it's these aspersions that NOM is now building on, clumsily relating this situation to America and marriage, even though its Canadian and not at all about that, NOM's supposed subject of concern:

And here's the even more ridiculous thing about NOM's messy misfocus: When Out In Schools learned of the HIM website changes, they willingly removed the prior links in both the print and web materials. In fact, the project's director has embraced the raised kerfuffle, saying it gives him a chance to show all of the good that the project is doing. He didn't raise a fist of noncompliance. He certainly didn't "defame." He listened and responded to concerns. What more could he do, get in a time machine and not link to an organization that might in the future craft a less his-appropriate ad?! I mean, come on!

But now we have our dear sweet NOM sweeping into Canada and using this complete and utter non-controversy to stop civil marriage rights here at home?! REALLY?!? This is what the "pro-family" movement thinks is going to change their slipping poll numbers?!

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