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Vote For Marriage NC launches site; what it lacks in acceptance it also lacks in creativity
Those trying to write abject bias into North Carolina's constitution have finally launched their much awaited website, VoteForMarriageNC.com. And lo and behold: It's yet another site with generic stock photo families and clip art silhouettes, all designed to make same-sex couples' legal lovin' seem like a dangerous threat to the hetero-headed home:
Such a yawner. I mean, consider what we know about the people who make up this coalition:
NC's leading 'protect marriage' group: Homosexuality is 'unnatural', 'biologically destructive', caused by 'abuse or acquired taste', 'changeable' [G-A-Y]
NC's leading 'protect marriage' group: Gay dudes sink ships, ruin heterosexist cruises [G-A-Y]
Official Vote For Marriage NC partner: Homosexuality = 'something radically wrong with the human heart' [G-A-Y]
North Carolina's leading 'protect marriage' group: Gays die early -- see, Paul Cameron says so! [G-A-Y]
NC's leading 'protect marriage' group: Bill Brooks' 'great answer' goes well beyond marriage [G-A-Y]
To name just a very few things. There's also the beyond hostile Rev. Baity, who was a chief organizer leading up to the legislative approval, as well as aligned groups like NOM and FRC, who have jointly said and done quite shocking things to get their anti-gay ways. And yet the best these folks can offer North Carolina's voting public is a smiling family in need of "protection"? Why do they always lobotomize their movement every time a campaign rolls around?!?!
The answer is of course obvious: When they need to move the general voting public and not just hyper-motivate their base, the "pro-family" folks put on a "nice, sweet, it's just about marriage" mask. So the real question for us: ARE WE GOING TO LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS, YET AGAIN!?