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Audio: NOM pretends to want, be fine with 'Compromise'; is fibbing
Currently running in New Hampshire:
*REMINDER (because it can't be brought up enough): NOM *never* supports civil unions. NOM and all of its key players have a long history of standing against marriage equality in every state where it's come up, sometimes viciously so (e.g. calling it a "dark day" when a state gains C.U.). They *always* find some reason why civil unions "compromise" is unacceptable.
As we fight against this supposed "compromise" in New Hampshire, this, their civil unions record everywhere else, should be a KEY message for us! With this pretend civil unions "compromise" in NH, NOM is trying to be all things to all people. It's a LIE!
Crafting NOM's Civil Unions Policy (Since They Haven't)
*ALSO: One of NOM's key lobbyists in the state, Kevin Smith, has admitted that he wants to go beyond this "compromise" and take the state back to where it was prior to civil unions:
*AUDIO SOURCE: New Hampshire May Repeal Gay Marriage [Focus on the Family CitizenLink]