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Because why shouldn't a 'values' guy link his governor to a presidential assassin?

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2012-01-23 At 8.41.10 AmOne of Washington state's longest, most vocal, and most conserva-connected (see image at left) critics of marriage equality, Pastor Ken Hutcherson, has this year chosen to go from hysterical to historical. Check out what he's now saying about the state's equality-supportive governor, Chris Gregoire:

"She might as well change her name to John Wilkes Booth because what she’s doing now is trying to put a bullet in the head of one of the greatest traditions that has ever existed and has built our society, and that is marriage between one man and one woman."
Ken Hutcherson likens Gov. Gregoire to President Lincoln’s Assassin [Pam's House Blend]

Loathsome in every way.

I'm just wondering if, once the state does achieve equality and the host or horribles don't come true, if Pastor Hutcherson will at least have the fortitude to admit that his comparison was less J.W. Booth and more Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme. If he's going to make murderous metaphors, he should at least own their inevitable failure.

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