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Brian Brown tells us no; I tell him, 'teehee -- that's cute'

by Jeremy Hooper

National Organization For Marriage's Brian Brown, responding to Maine equality advocates' decision to take marriage back to the ballot:

"NOM intends to vigorously fight this attempt by same-sex marriage advocates to impose gay marriage in Maine," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Maine voters rejected gay marriage barely more than two years ago. What part of ‘no' don't gay marriage advocates understand?" [SOURCE: Yet another NOM press release vowing to divide a state with discrimination]

Good As You's Jeremy Hooper, responding to Brian's continued attempts to sound tough in the face of a changing changed reality :

"Principled voices of civil fairness intend to vigorously seize the momentum of equality nationally and bring it back to Maine, a state that legislatively passed a marriage bill once before" said Jeremy Hooper, G-A-Y's legally married writer. "Maine voters barely rejected gay marriage more than two years ago. What part of ‘not going to just go home and accept unequal citizenship' don't anti-equality advocates understand?" [SOURCE: My inner monologue, just now, sitting outside a conference room in Baltimore]

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