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Concerned Women for [Plying Legislators with Baked Goods]
When strong arguments fail, there are always pastries:
Dear CWA of Washington Member,
CWA of Washington spent a very productive day in Olympia last week! First, we co-sponsored the Citizen Activists Workshop, and then we delivered 298 homemade cookies to all 147 legislators plus the governor and attorney general’s offices with this note: MARRIAGE MATTERS TO CWA!
It's actually not the worst idea. I'm pretty darn strong willed here, but few things could persuade me to drop my principled convictions like a well made,
slightly undercooked chocolate chip cookie could!
But now the votes seem to be in line, CWA might want to move up to cakes or pies. After all, few things taste sweeter than the train of progress. It's going to take some top notch confections to top its delicious momentum!