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FRC asks Michael Brown to 'Speak Now'; apparently itching for mainstream voters to listen less
- Michael Brown is an aggressive advocate of scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" therapy.
- For years, Michael Brown has stood outside of Pride parades in North Carolina, warning revelers that "God Has a Better Way."
- Michael Brown refers to every last pro-equality goal -- from hate crimes protections to inclusive schools -- as "destructive."
- Michael Brown describes his organizational mandate as "Hating evil, loving good, and pursuing justice."
- Michael Brown recently said murdered gay teen Larry King was "more a victim of gay activism" than he was his killer."
And on Thursday, this same Michael Brown will turn these curious obsessions into a gig, leading a prominent, well-connected GOP organization (that also happens to be a Southern Poverty Law Center hate group) in a seminar on why, exactly, his clearly extreme views which admittedly go way beyond just "protecting traditional marriage" should control this nation's *CIVIL* marriage policy:
At a time when it's more important than ever for Christians to stand up and be counted, many of us seem to be shying away from voicing our values. We don't want to sound offensive or be considered "irrelevant." But retreat spells defeat, and when we willingly shut ourselves out of public debate, we reward intimidation. The public debate about marriage and the homosexual agenda continues, but if we don't do what's right today, we will have to apologize to our children and grandchildren tomorrow. Join us at noon on Thursday, January 5th as author, professor, and radio host, Dr. Michael Brown explains the homosexual agenda and a clear Christian response. Forty years ago, most Americans said they didn't know anyone who was homosexual and claimed to know little or nothing about homosexuality. Today, there's hardly a sitcom without a prominent gay character and even school children are learning the meaning of "gender identity." Dr. Brown's recent book, A Queer Thing Happened to America, chronicles the amazing transformation of America over the last 40 years and addresses the question, "Is there really a gay agenda, or is it a fiction of the Religious Right?" To register for Thursday's noon event (either in person or via live webcast) at FRC headquarters (801 G Street, NW), click over to our Events page. A complimentary lunch will be served.
[Family Research Council]
Mark your calendars, kids! We've got an overplayed team's ever-apparent animus to monitor.