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FRC slams NH politician for pragmatically reading NH polls
Earlier this evening, the Family Research Council -- in a post attributed to president Tony Perkins -- publicly pondered the reasons Sen. Kelly Ayotte would see a political need to (temporarily?) distance herself from Rick Santorum and his misplaced "culture war" values:
And now, the answer:
Santorum fifth after his Iowa "surge" and after a week of constant social issues talk? The three most conservative, "values voting" candidates -- Gingrich, Perry, and Santorum -- bringing in less voters cumulatively than the NOM-attacked Ron Paul brought in by himself? Romney over-performing after placing relatively little focus on marriage or LGBT rights in general (and after conservative attacks on the way he handled marriage equality while Mass governor)?
Gee, FRC -- can't imagine why Sen. Ayotte, being beholden to this same constituency as she is, would see any need to carve a less Santorum-laden path. Nope, none at all.