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@FRCAction all-but-endorses Santorum
The Family Research Council's action arm is revving up the so-called "Values Bus" again:
And while the SPLC-designated "hate group" hasn't officially declared this South Carolina leg to be a Rick Santorum campaign rally, they might as well. Check out these words from Values Bus organizer, FRC Action's Connie Mackey:
To begin, FRCACTION PAC has traditionally not supported any presidential candidate, particularly in the primary stages of the election. With so many good friends and good candidates in the mix this time, it would have been impossible, not because of a hard and fast rule, rather, those of us who have spent time on Capitol Hill and worked with some of the members there, know them to be hard working, committed, sincere people, any one of which would have made a wonderful alternative to Barack Obama.
Our Values bus tour enabled us to have a front row view of these good people work tirelessly connecting with the Iowa citizens at the Iowa Straw Poll, and seeing Congresswoman Bachman achieve victory there was an awesome experience. But, Rick Santorum, despite his low numbers in the straw poll was undaunted. As we prepare to roll out a new national bus tour with our new partners at the Heritage Foundation, I pondered Senator Rick Santorum’s victory in the Iowa caucuses (and it was a victory despite Mitt Romney’s eight vote advantage). Our last two bus tours through Iowa brought the conservative community victories on several levels. The Senator showed up faithfully on both of those bus tours helping to defeat three activist judges who had over ruled the will of the people and pushed through gay marriage. On the second whistle stop tour of that state, Mr. Santorum showed up again and spoke to his values and his plans for bringing America back. It was this second trip where we began to hear the whispers of intended support for him. On January 3, he and his family experienced the pay off that hard work and strong faith can bring.
So, the Iowa caucuses did what they do best, they have begun to whittle down the field of candidates who will continue to run for President of our great country. Having been in Iowa in 1996 with the Buchanan campaign, I have a good feel for what the Santorum team experienced. The similarities run from scarce funding, to the hard work effort and ultimately Buchanan lost to Bob Dole by only a few votes. Buchanan was able to move onto New Hampshire and with the support of the Manchester Union Leader, experienced a win there as well. The important difference is the web. The Santorum team can do what we were not able to do back then and that is raise funds on the internet and communicate with supporters through the vast social media networks now available. It is a whole new world from 1996 and the viability question from the perspective of funding has changed. Both Sarah Palin and Herman Cain raised millions of dollars in just days at the height of their prominence. The timing of the Santorum victory could not have been better for him and the possibilities are now very real.
FULL: Notes from the Road [FRC's Kitchen Table Blog]
We're about to see ALL of these groups coming out for this guy. Perhaps behind a veil like this, at least until they see reason not to (the reason being potential alienation of the more likely nominee). But don't be fooled: If they see even an inkling of a Santorum chance after New Hampshire, then every group that I've been writing about for the past several years is going to jump into bed with the man who wants to forcibly enter my bedroom and take away my wedding ring.
A chill just went down my spine.