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How connected is Ken 'I evoke the name of assassins' Hutcherson?
So earlier this morning, I told you about Pastor Ken Hutcherson comparing his state's governor to presidential assassin John Wilkes Booth. But then after posting, I realized that some of you might listen to the sheer nuttiness of his comments and take them to mean that Hutcherson is some fringe figure who's access is quite limited.
So here, now, in a five part press conference, you will see that Ken Hutcherson is not only connected to the current, NOM-backed effort to stop marriage equality in the Evergreen State, but that he is actually connected enough to lead the Stand For Marriage coalition's press conference, alongside groups like the Concerned Women For America. The audio is low so you might have trouble hearing. However, just knowing it happened is really the point here:
*MORE: Hutcherson was also asked to participate in this weekend debate: