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Is Minnesota For Marriage's spokesperson against 'the homosexual lifestyle'? 'Exactly, exactly'
Kalley Yanta is the new face of Minnesota For Marriage, the campaign that is trying to write civil discrimination into the state's most precious governing document. Now listen in as Kalley and local radio personality Brad Brandon explain to you why they don't hate anyone -- only their "immoral actions" and "lifestyles":
AUDIO SOURCE: Word of Truth Radio -- 1/4/12 [OnePlace.com]
But yeah, you MN voters should probably believe them when they say it's just about "protecting marriage." Uh huh. Sure.
*MORE INSIGHT into this appearance: Back when he was appearing on the National Organization For Marriage's summer tour, this site dug up audio in which the aforementioned Brad Brandon compared "Satan-influenced" gays to alcoholics, pedophiles, and Hitler -- audio that our pals at Think Progress then put into a handy YouTube video:
Speaker At NOM’s ‘Peaceful And Prayerful’ Marriage Tour Has Compared Gays To Pedophiles, Hitler [Think Progress]
Does the Minn. For Marriage campaign approve of these "lifestyle choices"?