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NOM EXPOSED: Just how plugged-in to the Catholic hierarchy is NOM?

by Jeremy Hooper
NationalorganizationformarriageOn several occasions, I've told you about OPUSFidelis. This is the Catholic firm to whom NOM has outsourced all of its social media, web design, and assorted online work. For the past year or so, OPUS head David Lejeune -- working with subordinates like Joe Giganti, Casey Fimian and Colton Brugger -- have essentially been speaking for NOM in the social media world. This is why you'll see this under any NOM Facebook post:

Screen Shot 2012-01-05 At 9.14.16 Am

But what does this affiliation say about NOM's ties to the larger Catholic establishment? Well consider the following.

KEEP READING: Just how plugged-in to the Catholic hierarchy is NOM? [NOM Exposed]

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